Friday, March 18, 2011


Shared Theme Description
People who are especially talented in the Input theme have a craving to know more. Often they like to collect and archive all kinds of information.
Your Personalized Strengths Insights
What makes you stand out?
Chances are good that you are determined to keep abreast of the news. You probably satisfy your hunger for current information by habitually reading newspapers, magazines, correspondence, memos, files, or Internet sites. Driven by your talents, you probably enjoy the company of forward-looking individuals. They think about what the world will be like in the coming years, decades, or centuries. Undoubtedly, you read as much as you can about
these people. In addition, you are likely to have studied in detail the books and articles they have authored. It’s very likely that you intentionally build your vocabulary to include theoretical, intricate, technical, or difficult-to-understand words. For you, this is an ongoing process. Understandably, you prefer to spend time with people who recognize and appreciate your mastery of language. These individuals value the sophisticated terminology you use with ease. They are likely to ask you what a word or phrase means. These inquiries spotlight your specialized or extensive vocabulary. By nature, you sometimes enjoy instructing others. Because you like to read, you probably have more information to share with your students than some educators do. The individuals you tutor benefit from the facts or insights you gather from the printed page or the computer screen. Because of your strengths, you acquire lots of new words from your reading. Examining how each one is used in various sentences probably helps you grasp multiple meanings. When the definition eludes you, you are apt to turn to the dictionary for clarification. Your passion for the written word is not reserved for entertainment. You probably are as eager to dive into complicated, technical, or subjectspecific
texts as you are to pick up best-selling books or popular publications.

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