Monday, March 7, 2011


Ok, since it's Monday (Not really sure why that is significant...just felt like the appropriate "card to play" here) and I've been consistent to write daily ( connection), I'm going to indulge in my own unique, and crazy silliness today. Now, if you don't know me, this blog entry might make me look like a loony-bird and I'm completely OK with that. If you do know me, then you are laughing in appreciation and celebration over my unique brand of silly! :)

So, in my "Blog-Fog" (oooh...TOTALLY just made that up!), basically just a cloud of ignorance that swallows me up in this new space I have entered. Anyway, in my "Blog-Fog" I was stumbling through all the fancy tabs, and technical whosa-whiches (yep, made that up to) and accidentally stumbled onto this map. I was of course interested in the map, even though I had no idea what purpose it served. As I investigated a bit closer, I discovered it is a map that shows where people are reading and connecting to me. "Oh Fun!," I thought. There were several locations that made sense to me, United States (obviously), United Kingdom (Hiya Mates!), and the Philipines (Shannie!). But there was one that made no sense to me at all, Morrocco!?! I have never been to Morrocco and I don't know anyone in Morrocco.

So, I won't ask you to take the journey to crazy I took in processing through this little piece of information my "Blog-Fog" revealed. Needless to say, just thought I would do one of two things here today....
1. Say hi to my new Morroccan friend OR
2. Discover which of my UK mates spent Half-Term in Morrocco
Whew...thanks for helping me clear that crazy up! :)

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