Sunday, February 27, 2011

365 days

What would it look like for me to find a way to be consistent...for the first year...and write for 365 days straight? What would it look like to push through the ruts, dull drums, and boredom daily life brings? What would it look like to write through pain, sorrow, trouble, and tears? What would it look like to write on a day I had nothing to say? What would that journey bring to my soul and to the world around me?

I'm not totally sure, and it's a bit scary! But, I'm afraid we are about to find out the answer to those questions, and maybe more!


  1. I"m in, sister. I can't wait to watch the journey unfold right before our eyes!

    Shine on, girl!

  2. "musings of a simple girl trying to leave the world a better place than she found it"

    This was the first thing that struck me about you when I met you. So many folk I know just aren't that 'other-centred' - I remember you saying you want to leave people and their worlds' in a better place than when you found them - and I watched you. You did what you said. What's really funny is that I was thinking about you having said that over this weekend - and that was before I knew you were doing a blog. I find it interesting that your wallpaper reminds me of the Kings Speech - is it? The guy who helped the King certainly helped make the world a better place. Lisa, I'm glad you're listening to God talking to your soul. I'm glad that 15 yr old you made this deal to write. I feel special that I get to be part of that journey - thanks for the invite!

  3. Alli, thanks for the reminders, they are good to hear from time to time! The background reminded me of England and made my heart happy! xo
